Friday, May 22, 2020

Racism Is A Major Issue And Problem That Has Plagued The...

Racism is a major issue and problem that has plagued the United States of America for years. Racism has been around in our country since well before the Civil war and even today we still have people who are prejudice towards other races, but discrimination and other major issues had finally become illegal in the end of the 1960’s with the civil rights movement. During the civil rights movement we had many African American leaders and people who were fighting for civil rights within American. One of these specific people is a woman by the name of Anne Moody. Anne Moody is an African American who had done some work for the civil rights movement as a young lady and had wrote a book about her life called Coming of Age in Mississippi. In this book we get to read about her childhood, education, and the days that she spent within the civil rights movement, but the most important thing that we had gotten from this book was her discussion on how racism affected the lives of the black p opulation and the strains it put on their relationships. We will be using Moody’s book to discuss and give examples of how racism had strained or ruined the lives of the African Americans who had been alive during these tragic and scary times. We will also discuss how these strains had been manifested or in other words where they came from as well as how the African Americans coped with racism, fear, and the violence that engulfed the nation during the movement. Racism has impacted millions ofShow MoreRelatedAfrican American Essay912 Words   |  4 PagesThey were not invited here to America, and they certainly did not come here by choice. 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