Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Technology And Its Effects On Society - 1800 Words

In today s society most people base their fear of crime on such things as theft, drug trafficking, or assault. These people do not realize that there is an ever growing problem today and, in fact, will be around as long as technology is increasing and the education per person of this growing tech is not as high as it should be. People are far more likely to be hacked than they are to be stolen from physically or mugged or shot. The reason for this being is that physical crimes such as break and enter, car theft, drug dealing and trafficking, assault, and petty theft are harder to accomplish a lot of the time and are a lot more risky and provide a larger chance to get caught and arrested. Whereas people could sit in there basement in†¦show more content†¦These hacks hacks were not used in any sort of harmful or criminal way (Devitt, 2001). Criminal hacking was only beginning to become a problem once more and more people got their own personal computers, today in society almost every home has a computer or device of some sort that has the potential to be hacked. There are several ways that technological devices can be infiltrated by hackers. People must educate themselves about the groups of hackers that are alive and operating under the radar without anybody even realizing it. There are several of these groups ranging from what they call â€Å"hacktivists† who are trying to prove that the government and other groups are more corrupt than we think, to slapstick hackers who hack just to show that they can and to joke around. First of all is a group called Lizard Squad, Lizard squad is a group of hackers that you particularly don’t want to be targeted by because they do very difficult things and make it seem simple. These include things such as shut down facebook, playstation network, twitter, xbox live, and tumblr just for the fun of it. They also took down the Malaysia Airlines website so that when people went to it, it redirected them to a page that said 404 plane not found. (Lizard Squad (n.d.) in Facebook [fan page] Retrieved May, 5, 2016 from Ther e are several tens of people in Lizard Squad and when

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